Marjan Boonen








Voice lessons?

Zin in zangles in Utrecht?

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Marjan Boonen is  a graduated singer and voice teacher. She temporarily replaced  Hanneke de Wit at the Groningen conservatory.

Marjan acted as the voice teacher at the Kurt Thomas course in 2014.  She graduated for choirconduction with the Stichting Nederlandse Koren  ánd participed in the Kurt Thomas course  on the C-level as a conducter.

Her voice students range from beginners to singers of the highest level and aim besides passing on a solid voice production technique at stimulating students to engage their full personalities for interpretation and . All this is done with a light touch and humor. Classical music, musicals and popmusic can be taught for soloists and choi rsingers.


The singing technique I strive for and pass on, can be used for many different styles of mysic. It finds its origins in a natural production of sound: normal articulation, enhanced by a fluid, supple airflow fills the resonating cavities with sound..


Marjan also wrote a clear and comprehensiv paper on voice technique. Click here for a pdf- document.


Prices for voice lessons:

Private voice lessons:

Duo-singing lessons:    

Prices for college students

After proof of being enlisted

Solo or duo- singing lessons

For further  information, please send an email click, or call 06 5490 4185